Mingjie He
Master/PhD en KAUST
Ingeniería de Ciencias de los Materiales en KAUST
Arabia Saudita
¡Hola, soy Mingjie He!
Master/PhD en KAUST
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September 2021 - Presente
Fabricated and optimized wide-bandgap perovskite solar cells, and integrated them into perovskite/organic tandem devices, addressing the interconnecting layers problems. Synthesized TMD multilayer thin film and nanoribbon through CVD method, followed by characterization using Raman spectroscopy, AFM, and SEM. Reproduced the DFT calculation “Electronic properties of MAPbX3 perovskites” based on quantum expresso.
September 2021 - Presente
Fabricated and optimized wide-bandgap perovskite solar cells, and integrated them into perovskite/organic tandem devices, addressing the interconnecting layers problems. Synthesized TMD multilayer thin film and nanoribbon through CVD method, followed by characterization using Raman spectroscopy, AFM, and SEM. Reproduced the DFT calculation 'Electronic properties of MAPbX3 perovskites' based on quantum expresso.
August 2018 - August 2021
Under supervision operated an MBE to synthesize GaN films on Si and improved the transfer of PMMA/GaN/Graphene during buffered oxide etch (BOE) by designing a special-shaped poly tetra fluoroethylene (PTFE) mold. Completed the computation of AlGaN polarity growth on ScAlMgO4 substrate via Materials Studio (DFT).
August 2018 - August 2021
Under supervision operated an MBE to synthesize GaN films on Si and improved the transfer of PMMA/GaN/Graphene during buffered oxide etch (BOE) by designing a special-shaped poly tetra fluoroethylene (PTFE) mold. Completed the computation of AlGaN polarity growth on ScAlMgO4 substrate via Materials Studio (DFT).
Certificaciones y Distintivos
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