Aknur Kassym

Aknur Kassym

Ciencias de la Computación en New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD)

Emiratos Árabes Unidos

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¡Hola, soy Aknur Kassym!

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant en New Yor University Abu Dhabi

Product oriented full-stack developer with 1.5+ years of commercial experience | ex-swe at a bank with 2M+ users, ex-founder of an ecommerce startup, junior at NYU AD

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Certificaciones y Distintivos

No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos


Smart Private Alarm



• Engineered a sleep tracker embedded in M5Stack Core 2, which detects sleep cycles in real time using a gyroscope and motion sensors, including REM, Stage 2, and Stage 3 • Developed an algorithm, calculates the optimal time to wake the user up using vibration motors based on the set alarm time and current sleep cycle.

Stack: C, C++

• Built a full-stack application that allows people from multiple devices control and listen to the music streamed through the host’s personal Spotify account

JavaScript, Python, Django, React, SCSS, Webpack, Babel, Spotify API, OOP, REST API

Shopy (Shopify for Central Asia)


Founder and Developer

• Architected and developed a mobile app for small business owners to launch a personal storefront in 15 minutes • Deployed the mobile application to App Store and Google Play Market • Connected over 35 stores in Kazakhstan and reached an MRR of $900 • Implemented a URL subdomain extraction system with Next.js to dynamically display a store-specific content • Boosted online sales for a small business by 16%, leveraging built-in analytics to identify top-selling products

p.s. worked on thus startup for 8 months

JavaScript, React Native, Expo, Next.js, Firebase Functions, OOP, REST API







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