Salma Elbarmawi
VP Marketing & Operations en Localized
Estudios Globales en UCLA
Estados Unidos
¡Hola, soy Salma Elbarmawi!
Experto de Localized
VP Marketing & Operations en Localized
- Negocios y gestiónMarketing y comunicaciones+1
My experiences range from business development to marketing, I utilize both in running my PR & Marketing Firm in London. I've worked in large tech organizations and venture backed startups in the USA, I know the challenges and satisfactions that come from both. I have a passion for understanding, problem solving, communicating and learning. I'm also a writer, a marketing strategist, an avid traveler, a content creator, and coffee enthusiast. I love helping others and sharing what I've learned along the way.
Zelus PR & Marketing
Founder, CEO
January 2020 - Presente
Helping technology companies reach their target audiences in the most human, natural way. We deliver content strategies, social media campaigns, email marketing, articles, ads and branding that are in line with your vision and the authentic mission of your business.
Certificaciones y Distintivos
No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos
No se agregaron proyectos
Marketing Media
Social Media Management
Content Writing
Email Marketing
Branding Strategy & Planning
Marketing Effectiveness, Increasing
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