Omar Chihane
Founder and CEO en Englease.com
Maestría en Administración de Negocios (MBA) en London Business School
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
¡Hola, soy Omar Chihane!
Experto de Localized
Founder and CEO en Englease.com
- Negocios y gestiónMarketing y comunicaciones+2
Omar is the founder and CEO of Englease.com, the region's most effective, scalable and flexible online English language school, offering Live (synchronous), Unlimited and Accredited English classes around the clock. Englease.com is poised to become the premier ESL Teaching platform in the MENA region. Omar has been featured in various media articles in Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine and Gulf-News and received many accolades such "Start-up of the year" "Entrepreneur of the week" or as "the man who disrupted property investment". Omar holds an MBA from London Business School and has had a very successful corporate-level career in Learning & Development and Sales Management with multinational companies such as Siemens, Nokia and Microsoft where he led both regional and global business units, achieving sales targets that exceeded $100 million dollars and leading L&D functions responsible for upskilling over 15,000 people.
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