Ajiri Omafokpe

Ajiri Omafokpe

Senior Product Designer en Kora

Delta State University, Nigeria


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¡Hola, soy Ajiri Omafokpe!

Senior Product Designer en Kora

I am Ajiri Omafokpe, a senior multidisciplinary designer (digital products and UI/UX) who builds products in the Web3 and fintech space for companies like Kora, Ayagigs, and Wewire Africa. Ex: Yellow Card and Moni Africa. The products I have built have helped these companies increase their transaction volume by over 1000%. I am committed to making complicated and technical concepts in the Web3 space easy and explainable for newbies and people who do not need to know the deep tech to do what they need to do. I use my Twitter account to spread the gospel of Decentralised Finance and the Blockchain space in general, reaching over 1000 people daily. I look forward to joining a formidable Defi startup and building essential DeFi products. In my spare time, I mentor junior product designers and assist mid-weight product designers in upskilling. I also write deep musings about the world as I see it and enjoy going on adventures.

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UX Designer

UI Design

UI Design Lead


Usability Testing


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