George Taktak

George Taktak

CEO & Founder en How Mental


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¡Hola, soy George Taktak!

Experto de Localized

CEO & Founder en How Mental

George is the founder of How Mental, the world's largest community of people (inc. Bella Hadid, Emma Bunton & Alanis Morissette) and organizations dedicated to making mental healthcare accessible, reaching 14 Million people across social media [IG: @howmental]. George uses his experience of depression and anxiety to normalize the conversation around mental health, infusing creativity, humor and levity throughout his work. Over the past decade, he has consulted organizations on how to engage people with mental wellbeing. George is particularly interested in technology's ability to scale care and is an inventor, having secured a patent for his work in 2019. Before shifting into healthcare, George received an Economics degree from the LSE. He worked for Deloitte and Barclays Wealth. George is also an artist, writer, polyglot and part of the LGBTQ+ family. Recently, through How Mental, George released the 'How Are We' app to help people easily track their feelings and create a tangible metric for the wellbeing of the planet. It is available to download on iPhone now.

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