Mahfoudh Batarfi

Ciencias de la Computación en Bowie State University

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¡Hola, soy Mahfoudh Batarfi!

Web Editor en Bowie State University

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    Certificaciones y Distintivos

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    Create Policy For Organization Equipment


    Ministry of Education | 2010

    • Developed policies and specifications for the organization's computer and printer equipment.
    • Collaborated with manufacturers like HP and Lenovo to ensure compliance with industry standards.
    • Contributed to determining the optimal technical requirements for laptops and printers.
    • Ensured that the equipment specifications aligned with the needs of the organization's employees.

    Maintained Organization Data

    Developer, DBA

    Ministry of Education | C#, SQL, SQL Server -2007

    • Led a .Net team in the collection and consolidation of educational data from diverse resources.
    • Implemented data cleaning procedures to ensure accuracy and consistency of the collected data.
    • Conducted thorough data analysis, comparing and matching information from multiple sources to identify and resolve data discrepancies.
    • Implemented data validation techniques to enhance data integrity and reliability.

    Data Consolidation App


    Ministry of Education | C#, Access Database - 2005

    • The Data Consolidation App is a dedicated tool developed for the General Department of Educational Supervision. This powerful app collects information from multiple branches, consolidating it into a single Access database.
    • It enables efficient data gathering and management, enhancing the effectiveness of supervision processes within the department.

    HR Information Portal


    Ministry Of Education | C#, ASP.Net, ADO.NET - 2004

    • Developed an internal website, the HR Information Portal, within the organization. The portal provides role-based access exclusively for the HR department, granting them detailed information on 570,000 teachers.
    • This centralized platform enables efficient and secure access to comprehensive teacher data, supporting HR operations and decision-making processes.

    Educational Information Management


    Ministry of Education | Delphi, Microsoft Access, SQL, SQL Sever

    1. Development A Desktop Application: 2002
      • Developed and built the SchoolDataCollector, a Windows desktop application designed to gathers massive educational data, including building information, teacher details, specialties, class counts, student enrollment per grade level, and other relevant information.
    2. Database Development and Security: 2003
      • Developed, implemented, and secured a SQL Server database for a large-scale educational system, ensuring database security, confidentiality, and integrity.
      • Implemented role-based permissions to restrict access based on departmental requirements.

    Optimization of GCNs Models

    Data Scientist

    Bowei State University | Computer Science Department: Python (PyTorch Goematric, Lightning, Optuna..etc) - Fall 2023

    1. Optimized five types of Graph Convolution Networks (GCNs) within the Variation Graph Auto-Encoder architecture (VGAE).
    2. Fine-tuned hyperparameters for these models, including learning rate, number of hidden layers, number of hidden nodes, weight decay, filter size, and latent space dimensions.
    3. Conducted tests with different activation functions, including ReLU, Tanh, and Sigmoid.
    4. Experimented with various optimizers, such as Adam, SGD, and RMSprop.
    5. Utilized Mean Squared Error and KL divergence loss functions.
    6. The results of this project provided valuable insights for researchers working with 3D face data, enabling them to efficiently handle the data and evaluate algorithm performance.

    Enhancing Computer Science Department Website


    Bowei State University | Computer Science Department: BSU Portal, JavaScript, HTML, CSS - Fall 2022

    1. Reviewed and edited existing content.
    2. Ensured that the department's web content is accurate, engaging, and up to date.
    3. Created new content as needed.
    4. Optimized the web pages for optimal user experience.
    5. Gathered relevant information and ensure that it is presented in a clear and professional manner.

    CS Department Mobile App Backend Development

    Backend Developer

    Bowei State University | Computer Science Department: JavaScript, Strapi, REST API, GraphQL API - Spring 2022

    1. Led as the responsible party for the backend development of a mobile app for the Computer Science department at the university. Leveraging the Strapi platform, I designed and developed the server-side architecture, seamlessly integrating REST API and GraphQL API.
    2. This implementation ensured efficient data communication and enhanced functionality, enabling the department to provide a robust and user-friendly experience to app users.

    Faculty Member Website Development


    Bowei State University | Computer Science Department: JavaScript, HTML, CSS - Fall 2017

    1. Designed and built a website for a faculty member of the Computer Science department at the university. The website highlights the faculty member's profile, research interests, publications, and other relevant information.
    2. The website provides a professional online presence for the faculty member, facilitating communication and information sharing with students, colleagues, and the wider academic community.







    Web Application Development

    SQL Database


    R Language






    CMS Web Developer



    Visual Studio

    IntelliJ Idea

    Windows PowerShell

    Bash Unix Shell




    Office 365

    Data Scientist

    Machine Learning

    Deep Learning

    Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Applications

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