Mrim Boutla, PhD

Mrim Boutla, PhD

Career Coach en Georgetown University Walsh School of Foreign Service

Ciencias del Cerebro y del Comportamiento en University of Rochester

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¡Hola, soy Mrim Boutla, PhD!

Experto de Localized

Career Coach en Georgetown University Walsh School of Foreign Service

Helping you train your brain to succeed professionally and personally. A Swiss-Moroccan-American citizen, I have been turning insights from my PhD research in neuroplasticity into coaching insights to help emerging and established leaders secure career opportunities that blend financial rewards with social impact and environmental stewardship for the past 15 years. I am current a career coach at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service Graduate Career Center, and previously served as a career coach for MBAs at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business, and as a career coach for PhDs and liberal arts students at Brown University. Beyond my career coaching experiences, I launched and grew my own edtech social enterprise, teach social entrepreneurship at UMD, and advise a range of high growth lean tech startups in edtech, and life sciences.

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