Rana Abu Nemeh

Rana Abu Nemeh

Project & Incubator Manager FDI & Economic Development Department en OCO Global

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¡Hola, soy Rana Abu Nemeh!

Experto de Localized

Project & Incubator Manager FDI & Economic Development Department en OCO Global

Rana is an international economic development and investment expert who specialises in supporting Governments to drive their economic development agendas, and companies to grow internationally. With over 7 years of experience, Rana has supported Investment Promotion Agencies in different markets in identifying their sectoral competitiveness and in designing and applying relevant FDI attraction strategies. Within OCO she works within the MENA leadership team, focused on FDI promotion and economic development across various strategic sectors including Financial Services, ICT, FinTech, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Chemicals, Aerospace, Sustainability, and Industrial Manufacturing, additionally she has a strong background in the emerging businesses field, she currently manages our inhouse incubator and lead the SME’s growth and development. She has extensive experience and networks in the UAE and the Middle East in general.

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Certificaciones y Distintivos

No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos


BLP Better learning Program


Project Lead




Development Economics

Investment Modeling

Investment Analysis

Investment Promotion

Investment Management

M & A Advisory Services

M & A due diligence

Setup Factory

Industrial Automation

Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), Areas in

Market Directional Strategy


Situational Leadership

Vacuum Chambers

Localized conecta a estudiantes universitarios y recién graduados con expertos de la industria y empleadores.


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