Precious Iketleng

Precious Iketleng

Spice Distributor en Afrikwizeen Foods Pty Ltd

Psicología en University of Johannesburg


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¡Hola, soy Precious Iketleng!

Spice Distributor en Afrikwizeen Foods Pty Ltd

Precious holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology qualification with Anthropology as a second major. Experience in ethnographic/qualitative research endorsed through her academic career assessments, and retail customer service support. She is an early-stage scholar with a passion for activism, Gender, Sexuality and Health perspectives, social change, social justice, interdisciplinary work within the Social Sciences, I envision ways that anthropological perspectives or ethnography could improve in understanding social dynamics and developing possible sustainable interventions through empowerment. Overall, Precious is a versatile individual that is eager to learn and transform the lives of people and transform our societies for the better. (She/Her)

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    Communication Skills

    Data Analysis

    Qualitative Research


    Interviewing Skills

    Microsoft Excel

    Report Writing



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