Shahenda Soliman

Shahenda Soliman

Marketing Digital en Udacity


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¡Hola, soy Shahenda Soliman!

Office adminstrator en Delta Capital For Urban development

Fresher digital marketing enthusiast here! I have recently graduated from a Nanodegree program at Udacity and became a digital marketing professional in pursuit of finding the challenge in a role as a copywriter, digital marketer, or content writer. I can deliver a creative perspective in my results and create a CTA (call to action) for your marketing campaign to build brand awareness or generate leads. Super excited to connect and learn more about what you require!

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    Certificaciones y Distintivos

    No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos


    Market Your Own Content DMND

    Digital Marketing Student

    This is a part of my Nanodegree program at Udacity where I created a blog post published on Blogger, a Facebook post, a LinkedIn post, and an Instagram post.

    • I was asked to write one hub blog post that matched Pixar's framework for the project and gained 50 pageviews in 2 days.
    • I put together a CTA in each of the three social media posts designed to direct traffic to my blog post.

    Digital Marketing Student

    Evaluated a Facebook Ad campaign designed by Udacity and successfully reached the conclusions needed according to the following related metrics:

    • ROI
    • Click-through-rate
    • Click-to-lead rate -CPM




    Data Visualization

    Lead Generation

    Data Analysis

    Content Writing

    Certified Digital Marketing Associate

    Communication Skills


    Email Marketing

    Administering Office

    Time Management



    Social Media

    Content Curation

    Content Marketing

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