Amarachi Edi

Amarachi Edi

Administración de Empresas en Nexford University


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¡Hola, soy Amarachi Edi!

Administración de Empresas en Nexford University

Peer Mentor at Nexford University - The NXU Peer Mentoring Program is a learner-to-learner mentoring program with the main objective of helping learners improve their academic performance and program participation. Program: Bachelor in Business Administration List of courses: BUS1100: Roadmap to Success BUS2125: The World of Business BUS2250: Business Career Branding for Success - Introducing your brand BUS2100: International Business and Culture BUS2151: Business and Culture in China BUS2150: Introduction to Business Law HRM2100: Managing Human Resources BUS2200: Leadership, Management, and Teams CUL2200: Intercultural Communication MKT2100: Marketing Fundamentals CUL1100: American Institutions and Culture STA1300: Statistics ECO1250: Micro and Macroeconomics PBS2250: Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking NWL2100: Nutrition and Wellness SCI2150: Environmental Science SCI1150: Science of Happiness CUL2300: Cultural Aesthetic Understanding COM1200: Professional Communication HRM2200: Staffing and Development HRM3150: Total Rewards Country: Nigeria Work Industry: Fashion If you'd like to schedule a mentoring session with me, book a session through this page and choose my name under the staff options. Feel free to send me a message here in Localized for your mentoring inquiries."

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