Khaled Emad Al-Dien

Khaled Emad Al-Dien

Freelance Web Scraping Specialist en Upwork

Scientific Computing


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¡Hola, soy Khaled Emad Al-Dien!

Freelance Web Scraping Specialist en Upwork

I am a fresh graduate excited to land a job as a Data Analyst. As a junior data analyst, I am passionate and looking to flex my talents to identify new growth strategies. I've always been fascinated by numbers, and working in data analytics has been a long-term goal of mine

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    Investigating Netflix Movies and Guest Stars in The Office

    Python - Data Analysis

    Netflix! What began in 1997 as a DVD rental service has since grown into the world's largest entertainment/media company by market capitalization, with over 200 million subscribers as of January 2021. Given a large number of movies and TV shows available on the platform, this is an excellent opportunity to hone our data manipulation skills and gain insight into the entertainment industry. Our friend has also been practicing Python and has attempted to parse a CSV file containing Netflix data. They have been conducting some analyses for their first order of business, and they believe that the average duration of movies is decreasing. They have provided us with the following information as proof of this. From 2011 to 2020, the average movie duration is 103, 101, 99, 100, 100, 95, 95, 96, 93, and 90 minutes.

    Beginner Python

    Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis is a Hungarian physician who was born in 1818 and works at the Vienna General Hospital. If Dr. Semmelweis appears troubled, it's because he's thinking about childbed fever, a deadly disease that affects women who have recently given birth. He is considering it because, in the early 1840s, up to 10% of women giving birth died from it at the Vienna General Hospital. He's considering it because he knows what causes childbed fever: contaminated hands of the doctors delivering the babies. And they refuse to listen to him or wash the In this project, we will re-analyze the data that led Semmelweis to realise the importance of handwashing. Let's start with the data that convinced Semmelweis that something was wrong with the procedures at Vienna General Hospital.








    SQL Database


    Excel Pivot Tables


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