Mahmoud Hassan
Lead, Back Office Network Operations Engineer en Orange Egypt (Triple-Play)
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AAST)
¡Hola, soy Mahmoud Hassan!
Lead, Back Office Network Operations Engineer en Orange Egypt (Triple-Play)
Multi-talented Engineer consistently rewarded for success in planning and multi-tasking. Somehow experienced in, Networking, Virtualization, Cloud computing. Always ready for learning any new skill and developing myself. Applied in many technical courses (CCNA -MCSA -CCNP - Linux -JNCIA-Virtualization-Cloud Computing). Fluent in English.
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Orange Egypt (Triple-Play)
Lead, Back Office Network Operations Engineer
August 2020 - Presente
Responsible for the operation of a huge scaled network that include switches, routers, servers, firewalls and many other devices located in data centers distributed at many geographical locations, which serves over 20,000 customers including enterprises and individuals, providing them with Internet, IPTV, IP-Phone, also other services on demand and is up and running 24/7. Development of the network to make it even better by finding root causes for any issues and fixing it once and for all or by finding better ways of communication between devices by researching and applying the best practice by trial and testing several solutions many times before applying to make sure of high availability and that the QoS will not be affected, and I also make sure that the service must not have any down time at all using all my technical and troubleshooting skills and abilities to apply HA and redundancy in case it is needed. Configuration for any device in the core network starting from main routers, core switches, aggregated switches, all internet related devices, IP-Phone systems (routing and switching), IPTV systems and servers (head ends, middleware, DCMs, etc...), GPON chassis, or even configurations at customers side and all of this is done remotely using VPN. Experienced working with P2P, GPON and other technologies for delivering the service. Making sure of network security by checking and searching for any vulnerabilities and fixing it. Checking data center health physically if needed and making improvements if issues found, using console connection to access devices on site in case of failure or no remote accessibility to make fast actions such as re-configuring, restoring backups or replacing with new devices. Working with multiple vendors including but not excluded to Cisco, Juniper, Huawei, Zhone, HP, Dell and more, also other systems like linux or virtualization techniques when needed. Working on ticketing system to view activities and work on needed tasks to solve issues or escalate to other related teams if needed. Documenting all needed data for the operation to be shared with the team and using cloud based APPs for sharing data. Communicating with colleagues, other teams members and customers with excellence gained through years of working, practice and experience in handling different types of situations.
IT & Network Admin
June 2019 - July 2020
Develop and maintain local networks in ways that optimize performance Ensure security and privacy of networks and computer systems Provide orientation and guidance to users on how to operate new software and computer equipment Organize and schedule upgrades and maintenance without deterring others from completing their work Perform troubleshooting to diagnose and resolve problems (repair or replace parts, debugging etc.) Maintain records/logs of repairs and fixes and maintenance schedule Identify computer or network equipment shortages and place orders
ELAN (Etisalat Subcontractor)
Network Engineer
April 2018 - March 2019
Configure and install various network devices and services (e.g., routers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, VPN, QoS) Perform network maintenance and system upgrades including service packs, patches, hot fixes and security configurations Monitor performance and ensure system availability and reliability Monitor system resource utilization, trending, and capacity planning Provide Level-2/3 support and troubleshooting to resolve issues

Ingeniería de Comunicaciones
Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport
Graduado en 2017
Certificaciones y Distintivos
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