Xiaoyang Jin
Front-end Architect en ChickTech
Tecnología de la Información en Northeastern University
Estados Unidos
¡Hola, soy Xiaoyang Jin!
Front-end Architect en ChickTech
I'm Xiaoyang, and I have an insatiable appetite for learning. Exploring new knowledge is like a thrilling adventure to me! Moreover, I take great pride in my adaptability and unwavering loyalty. I am committed to putting in the effort required to acquire relevant expertise and deliver top-notch results. Being exceptionally organized is one of my strong suits. My expertise in Java, Python, and various programming languages, along with my solid understanding of object-oriented design principles and databases, positions me as an excellent fit for the Software Developer role. I am genuinely enthusiastic about leveraging my skills to contribute to meaningful projects. Allow me to introduce myself better through my personal website: https://xiaoyangs-planet.webflow.io/ By visiting the website, you can learn more about me and my background. Feel free to explore and get to know me better!
Front-end Architect
June 2023 - Presente
▪Enhanced event management plugin, enabling users to access and register for events through a user-friendly calendar interface. ▪Implemented event categorization based on location, price, and skill categories, enhancing event discovery and selection. ▪Integrated registration with Buddypress system, optimizing user experience by enabling quick registration and secure payment processing.
China Chengxin International Credit Rating
ESG Analyst
October 2020 - January 2021
▪Established the company's real estate industry database using HTTP requests API to download 250+ annual reports ▪Analyzed and retrieved 30k data about key information using PyPDF2 and NumPy ▪Investigated more than 150 indicators in the aspect of the environment, compliance, and social responsibility and compared the focus among different industries using matplotlib to implement data visualization
Yongyou Software Co., Ltd
Implementation Consultant
August 2019 - September 2019
▪Assisted in the project closure, mainly including checking the abnormal data over 50k salary data using the K-Nearest-Neighbors model, provided valuable insights for future analysis ▪Imported and exported relevant data of UClient software via Python, advanced the progress of the project from 4 days to 1 day

Tecnología de la Información
Northeastern University
Graduado en 2023
Certificaciones y Distintivos
No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos
▪Visualized raw data using seaborn heatmap and hist, intuitively observed the correlation between 150,000+ data, avoided using missing and redundant data to improve the computational speed and accuracy of the model ▪Calculated the VIFs of all predictor variables using stats models API to decrease the difficulty in distinguishing between multicollinearity variables’ individual effects on the dependent variable ▪Classified 22 different kinds of frogs using logistic regression and the model accuracy rate reached 83.79%
▪Designed and built a platform for 8 kinds of different users following the object-oriented programming principles with Java, including administrator to review applications, workshop to produce vaccinations, delivery company to send packages, etc to help solve the global vaccine demand and distribution problem ▪Implemented the functions of file transfer, web page jumping, and email verification using Netbeans ▪Built a local database using Db4o to store and retain all data including user information and uploaded files in real-time
▪Designed and developed a dynamic iOS application using Swift, fostering seamless photo sharing, content reviews, and user connections within a social networking framework. ▪Orchestrated the creation of responsive web front-ends, harnessing cutting-edge technologies such as Node.js, and React to elevate user experience and engagement. ▪Engineered RESTful APIs using Java and Spring, elevating functionality and enabling efficient communication between back-end systems and front-end interfaces. ▪Facilitated streamlined development through effective GitHub source control practices.
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