Eyad Atallah

Eyad Atallah

Research Associate en McGill University

Ciencia en University at Albany


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¡Hola, soy Eyad Atallah!

Experto de Localized

Research Associate en McGill University

I saw my first tornado when I was 7, and I have been hooked on trying to figure out the atmosphere ever since. Consequently, I have been observing the atmosphere for the past 30 years or so. I started as a forecaster in the United States for the Department of Agriculture before pursuing my graduate education and becoming an academic with an interest in severe weather events. In turn, changes in the patterns and frequencies of extreme weather events led to my research on the impact of Climate Change on these events. About 8 years ago, I met with aboriginal communities in Canada and learned about some of the challenges they faced in adapting to the shifting climate which made me realize how important it was that vulnerable communities understand the challenges headed their way.

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