Cristy Cuellar

Cristy Cuellar

Learning & Development Manager en Wizeline


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¡Hola, soy Cristy Cuellar!

Experto de Localized

Learning & Development Manager en Wizeline

Cristy is responsible for the Learning and Development area at Wizeline. She is a member of Wizeline's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion office where she works diligently to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. In the last two years, she has led the Wizeline Women in Technology community, enabling learning spaces so that women have the skills and tools to develop in the Technology industry, generating a global impact of more than 800 participants. She is a certified facilitator of I am Remarkable, a Google initiative that seeks to promote self-advocacy in underrepresented groups. She is also a member of Women Tech Markers, Google's Global Women in Technology initiative. She is also part of Female Factor, a global community of women that seeks to create spaces for mentoring and community. Cristy practices Vipassana meditation daily, she is passionate about sports activities, enjoying nature, a good coffee and human connections.

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