Juliette Espinosa

Juliette Espinosa

Outreach Graduate Assistant en International Students and Scholars, University of Arkansas

Maestría en Administración de Negocios (MBA) en University of arkansas

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¡Hola, soy Juliette Espinosa!

Outreach Graduate Assistant en International Students and Scholars, University of Arkansas

I am a dedicated and driven professional, currently pursuing an MBA at Walton College, University of Arkansas. With a passion for excellence and a commitment to continuous improvement, I am on a mission to harness the unique strengths of the Walton MBA program and make a positive impact in the world of business. Outside of my academic pursuits, I bring a strong work ethic and a track record of persistence and flexibility. I thrive on challenges and am committed to giving my best effort every time, pushing boundaries, and achieving my goals. As a future business leader, I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and am eager to connect with like-minded professionals who share a passion for excellence and innovation.

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Problem Solving

Data Analysis

Customer Service

Data Entry

Interpersonal Skills

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