Mahounou Sother Aimé Gbede

Mahounou Sother Aimé Gbede

Administración Pública en Howard University


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¡Hola, soy Mahounou Sother Aimé Gbede!

Administración Pública en Howard University

Currently, working as a food security & nutrition programs intern with Denver Food Rescue in Colorado, US. Mahounou has a solid background in Public Management especially management of projects and programs related to food security and nutrition. He's a holder of a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and dietetics as well. Alumnus of the climate advocacy and leadership programs empowered by Harvard University. Solid experience in the implementation of nutrition, food, and health projects and programs e.g.: PMASN, PNDPE, and R-PIHI-Com in the Republic of Benin. Experience in the management of child malnutrition in general and especially in rural areas (at least 35 villages in the Republic of Benin). He has executed successfully numerous (social marketing or social mobilization) communication sessions for social and behavioral change focusing on nutrition, food, health, and early childhood development (at 7000 persons reached throughout 35 villages). Background in supporting nearly 5000 adolescent girls, pregnant and breastfeeding women to develop a good nutrition, balanced diet. Nutrition takes care of 7000 newborns and young children (for good development, prevention against nutritional deficiencies and excesses). Implement research work about nutrition and breast cancer in women (research protocol, data collection, analysis, interpretation, conclusion, and discussion). Strong experience in data collection activities related to social data, life conditions, opinions, health, nutrition, hygiene, food security, generating-income activities, household well-being, and youth sexual and reproductive health in urban, semi-urban, and rural areas. His digital skills (Pack Office), soft skills (leadership, teamwork, collaboration, self-motivated, communication, high organization). Mahounou is full of enthusiasm and passion, always focusing on how to serve sustainably in order to make the world a better place for all right now and guarantee a secure future for future generations

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Food Security & Nutrition Programs


At Denver Food Rescue, we do have a lot of programs and projects with local partners. On the link above, there are more details.

USAID’s Reinforcement of Community PIHI (Package Interventions High Impact) - RPIHI.Com

Nutrition Volunteer Officer

This project was focused on: -Food and nutrition surveillance -Management of nutritional deficiencies -Nutrition for adolescent girls, pregnant and breastfeeding women -Infant and young child feeding -Assessment of household food security and individual nutritional status -Implementation of community-based food, health, and nutrition interventions

Nutrition and Early Childhood Development Project (Projet de Nutrition et de Développement de la Petite Enfance) PNDPE

Nutrition Volunteer Officer

Through this project, I lead many activities such as: -Food and nutrition surveillance -Management of nutritional deficiencies -Nutrition for adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women -Infant and young child feeding -Nutrition treatment and prevention of micronutrient deficiencies and anemia -Assessment of household food security and individual nutritional status -Implementation of community-based food, health, and nutrition interventions -Children malnourished nutrition cares -Implementation of communities' health and nutrition activities







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