Kerven Durdymyradov
Ciencias de la Computación en King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Arabia Saudita
Saudi Aramco, AI and Advanced Computing Department
AI Intern
June 2023 - August 2023
● I worked on “Its All About Graphs: Utilizing Graph Representation to speed-up simulations using deep learning techniques” project ● I was simulating the elastic properties of Rocks in order to characterize the subsurface. ● My project has two main parts, the first part is to get a Graph representation of the rocks and the second part is by using AI tools I need to get the elastic properties of the rocks.
Certificaciones y Distintivos
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Its All About Graphs: Utilizing Graph Representation to speed-up simulations using deep learning techniques
•AI Intern
● I was simulating the elastic properties of Rocks in order to characterize the subsurface. ● My project has two main parts, the first part is to get a Graph representation of the rocks and the second part is by using AI tools I need to get the elastic properties of the rocks.
Master's student
This was my Master's Thesis Topic: "Neural Networks for Brain-Computer Interfaces" Supervisor: Prof. Vladislav Goncharenko ● Working on the “Neural Networks for Brain-Computer Interface” project ● Converting BrainInvaders EEG data to Pytorch-like dataset. ● Building Convolutional Neural Network for classifying the dataset. ● Analyzing the data with Riemannian geometry tools ● Comparing and analyzing the results taken by two approaches.
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