Honza Babarik
Ingeniería de software en Czech Technical University
República Checa
¡Hola, soy Honza Babarik!
Former CTO en Localized
- web/mobile software engineer for over 10 years - building US startups tech for over 3 years - experienced in modern development best practices and processes - experience hiring and leading remote teams - experienced deploying multi-region cloud infrastructure - building own ideas in my free time
Certificaciones y Distintivos
No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos
Slang was an idea that I got after observing the increase of quality of cloud language translation systems that use Neural Language Processing and Neural Machine Translation. I believe further Machine learning progress will allow the current global messaging systems to have offer translation as a regular feature, which will allow people to communicate with each other with ease despite their language barrier.
Slang is simply Whatsapp that automatically translates all messages across users to your local language. The goal of Slang is to train own models by using user interaction to create better translation than current tech leads such as Google Translate or Amazon Translate.
Slang is built using NodeJS for backend services, hosted on AWS. Front-end for Slang is mobile app for iOS and Android built with React Native.
Currently Slang is being tested on various language pairs and evaluated, which language pairs provide sufficient quality of real time translation to be released to public.
Beacoin was my own idea that I got after starting trading crypto currencies. The problem with signal trading was that there were a lot of signal traders (people who tell you what to buy/sell and when) that were manipulating the numbers of how successful their trading strategies are, luring the users to buy their questionable product.
Beacoin is both web and mobile app that is used by signal traders to easily send their paid clients the signal information without being able to manipulate their history. For users that means transparency and ease of use - you get a signal to buy Bitcoin, click on the Buy button and Beacoin's integration to the biggest crypto exchanges takes care of the rest.
Beacoin is hosted on AWS in US and EU, and I have architected and built the web, opened REST API and mobile app for iOS and Android using React Native myself.
React Native
Programming in C#
Objective C
AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Developing Microsoft Azure and Web Services
Amazon S3
Amazon RDS
Amazon SQS
Amazon ElastiCache
Amazon CloudFront
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