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Lamya Lamya1978

Lamya Lamya1978


Hello, I'm Lamyaa, I have a master degree in English language and a bachelor's degree in project management. I worked with ngos. I have experience in teaching English, project management, design thinkings and computer programming.

I'm unable to join too

Abeeb Ogunsola

It has ended...

Ahmed Elemam

Ahmed Elemam


Why I can't join

Abeeb Ogunsola

It has ended...

Raj Bhatia

Raj Bhatia


I have extensive credit card processing history (background) and am very familiar with TSYS, GlobalPay, First Data underlining platform, and dealing with ISO's and sponsoring banks. This company seems like a good fit for me. If I did not mention CC experience on the resume, will I be able to verbally speak with these recruiters in real time to explain my business background?

Abeeb Ogunsola

Yes you can.

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