Ahmed Elemam
Accounting at Faculty of commerce Alexandria University
Certificates & Badges
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Udacity Professional Data Analyst Nanodegree Project 2 (Investigate a Dataset)
In this project, I made use of Python to explore data related to bike share systems for three major cities in the United States—Chicago, New York City, and Washington. I wrote code to import the data and answer interesting questions about it by computing descriptive statistics.
A/B tests are very commonly performed by data analysts and data scientists. It is important that you get some practice working with the difficulties of these. For this project, you will be working to understand the results of an A/B test run by an e-commerce website. The company has developed a new web page in order to try and increase the number of users who "convert," meaning the number of users who decide to pay for the company's product. Your goal is to work through this notebook to help the company understand if they should implement this new page, keep the old page, or perhaps run the experiment longer to make their decision.
SQL Project: Query a Digital Music Store Database
In this project, I will query the Chinook Database. The Chinook Database holds information about a music store. For this project, I will be assisting the Chinook team with understanding the media in their store, their customers and employees, and their invoice information.
Tableau project: Data visualization project
In this project, I'll create visualizations to reveal insights from a data set using Tableau. I will create data visualizations that tell a story or highlight patterns in the data set. Your work should be a reflection of the theory and practice of data visualization, such as visual encodings, design principles, and effective communication.
Data Analysis and Display
Data Visualization
Data Wrangling
Python Standard Library
PowerBuilder Developer
Data Cleaning
Microsoft Power BI
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
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