Isaac Mureithi
Development Strategist at Loss and Damage Youth Coalition
Actuarial Science at Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
Hi, I'm Isaac Mureithi!
Development Strategist at Loss and Damage Youth Coalition
Seeking a position to elevate my career in actuarial risk management, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, humanitarian impact, investment analyses and sustainable asset management. Proficient in identifying growth opportunities and delivering recommendations to support strategic decision-making.
Loss and Damage Youth Coalition
Development Strategist
January 2024 - Present
• Collaborating with women-led self-help groups, agricultural startups, and other B2C enterprises that may be hesitant to communicate their activities or lack experience in engagement and public speaking. By developing comprehensive fundraising strategy documents, including guiding the creation of viable business plans, pricing strategies and prepare grant writing documents and PowerPoint presentations to pitch projects to potential investors. • Coordinated activities within LDYC Research WG, working on the creation of case studies, policy briefs, research reports, and more. Partnering on thematic research initiatives encompassing areas such as loss and damage, adaptation, climate finance, youth policy engagement, and disaster risk reduction
Children and Youth Major Group to the United Nations Environment Programme
Disaster, Climate and Resilience Advisor
January 2024 - Present
Contributed to drafting final regional, global, and intergovernmental Nature-Based Solutions reports for Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and other States. These inputs were submitted and presented during UNEA-6. Contributed to informing the United Nations Special Rapporteur on toxics and human rights regarding gender and toxic intersectionality for the 2024 thematic report, while also providing insights on infrastructure asset management in Africa & Europe regions for the thematic report on climate change and internal displacement to the upcoming 56th session of the Human Rights Council, with a focus on developing Asset Management Action Plans (AMAP) amid planned relocations due to climate change and disasters.
ICEA LION Asset Management – ICEA LION Group
Research Analyst
May 2023 - Present
Performing research on Equities, Fixed Income and Alternative Investments Developing and delivering reports to all entities within the ICEA LION Group Formulating research concepts by integrating Actuarial knowledge in the fields of Investments and Insurance Developed an internal newsletter that presents diverse investment ideas in the alternative investments sector
ICEA LION Asset Management (ILAM) – ICEA LION Group
Research Assistant
August 2023 - December 2023
Developed Flood Risk Actuarial Assessment and Index-Based Agricultural Insurance models in Kenya, with a focus on enhancing climate resilience within asset management systems. These research papers serve as a foundation for the creation of insurance policies, aligning with the Asset Management Action Plan (AMAP) and emphasizing the integration of parametric insurance solutions by the Actuarial and Risk departments. Developed and generated weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports on fund performances, distributing them to Private Wealth Management clients. Provided the executive & investment committee with comprehensive insights into global equities, currencies, and inflation movements. Fostered successful partnerships between ILAM investment team and the infrastructure advisory team at PwC.

Trainee – Forward Program
June 2023 - November 2023
The Advanced level builds upon the Foundational level, focusing on enhanced Problem-Solving Techniques, Impactful Communication Strategies and in-depth Project-based Learning Workshops The Foundational level offers comprehensive training on cultivating Adaptability and Resilience, Impactful Communication, Effective Problem-Solving and the Essentials of Digital Literacy
ICEA LION Asset Management (ILAM) – ICEA LION Group
Research Intern
May 2023 - July 2023
Acquired and applied investment research skills, including data sourcing, data wrangling, and transforming raw data into valuable insights. Proficient in presenting this information through compelling PowerPoint presentations during investment team meetings.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Trainee – Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET) program
May 2022 - October 2023
The ARSET program provides training in using remote sensing data for environmental decision-making and policy. Incorporated training from NASA's ARSET program into my skill set, encompassing proficiency in the fundamentals of remote sensing, satellites, and sensors. Acquired expertise in land cover mapping and products, and specialized knowledge in indices such as NDVI and EVI. Additionally, received training in advanced models for water resource management, enhancing my capabilities in geospatial analysis and environmental science Featured in the NASA ARSET quarterly newsletter of June 2023 (https://appliedsciences.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/2023- 05/FINAL_JuneNewsletter.pdf).
KCAU Actuarial Students’ Association
Founder & President
February 2022 - February 2023
Overseeing the running of the association Representing association to university administration Successfully coordinated interactions with The Actuarial Society of Kenya (TASK) & Actuarial Students’ Society of Kenya (ASSK) Successfully lobbied for hosting the National Actuarial Product Development Competition in 2023
Certificates & Badges
No certificates or badges added
Index-Based Weather Risk Management Programs as applied in Agricultural Insurance
“Farmers in East African countries like Kenya rely on index-based agricultural insurance to protect them against losses from crop damage caused either by extreme weather or other threats... Increasingly, index-based insurance programs are employing satellite Earth observations as a reliable source of weather and climate information that can be used to further develop and scale these programs. The data include vegetation conditions, soil moisture and rainfall estimates. This can help insurance companies easily detect and verify where and when financial payouts might be needed."
Mafuriko (Floods) Actuarial Assessment
This research project aims to assess the viability of parametric insurance product for flood risk in Kenya, using the concept of area yield index insurance.
R Statistical
Actuarial Model
Investment Analysis
Research Writing
Asset Management
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