Shabnam Mogharabi
Co-founder at SoulPancake
United States
Hi, I'm Shabnam Mogharabi!
Localized Expert
Co-founder at SoulPancake
- Marketing & Communications
Shabnam Mogharabi is an ex-journalist turned entrepreneur whose steady, tireless leadership of the mission-driven entertainment studio she co-founded, SoulPancake, led to a successful exit after 7 years under her stewardship. Shabnam is experienced in building powerful and influential content engines, thriving social communities, and delivering on long-term strategic goals. She has an entrepreneurial spirit, infectious energy, and a transparent leadership style. She is keenly left- and right-brain balanced. And she is ready for her next challenge. Able to capably manage and motivate both creative and operational teams, Shabnam has a strong ability to reinvent culture, rally and coalesce diverse teams, and achieve ambitious goals and objectives. She is a creative development leader with diverse taste and aesthetic sensibilities, as well as a proven strategist with a track record in scaling award-winning and audience-growing content and sales businesses. Prior experience in running news and business editorial publications. National keynote speaker. New York Times bestselling author.
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October 2016 - Present
SoulPancake was acquired by film studio Participant in October 2016. Continued on as General Manager of SoulPancake and EVP of Participant, overseeing digital content and advising on long-term planning, partnerships perspective, and impact strategy for the whole company.
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