Xiaoyang Jin

Xiaoyang Jin

Front-end Architect at ChickTech

Information Technology at Northeastern University

United States


Hi, I'm Xiaoyang Jin!

Front-end Architect at ChickTech

I'm Xiaoyang, and I have an insatiable appetite for learning. Exploring new knowledge is like a thrilling adventure to me! Moreover, I take great pride in my adaptability and unwavering loyalty. I am committed to putting in the effort required to acquire relevant expertise and deliver top-notch results. Being exceptionally organized is one of my strong suits. My expertise in Java, Python, and various programming languages, along with my solid understanding of object-oriented design principles and databases, positions me as an excellent fit for the Software Developer role. I am genuinely enthusiastic about leveraging my skills to contribute to meaningful projects. Allow me to introduce myself better through my personal website: https://xiaoyangs-planet.webflow.io/ By visiting the website, you can learn more about me and my background. Feel free to explore and get to know me better!




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Frog Calls Classification

Personal Project

▪Visualized raw data using seaborn heatmap and hist, intuitively observed the correlation between 150,000+ data, avoided using missing and redundant data to improve the computational speed and accuracy of the model ▪Calculated the VIFs of all predictor variables using stats models API to decrease the difficulty in distinguishing between multicollinearity variables’ individual effects on the dependent variable ▪Classified 22 different kinds of frogs using logistic regression and the model accuracy rate reached 83.79%

Covid-19 Vaccine Management System Development

Team Member

▪Designed and built a platform for 8 kinds of different users following the object-oriented programming principles with Java, including administrator to review applications, workshop to produce vaccinations, delivery company to send packages, etc to help solve the global vaccine demand and distribution problem ▪Implemented the functions of file transfer, web page jumping, and email verification using Netbeans ▪Built a local database using Db4o to store and retain all data including user information and uploaded files in real-time

Study Sphere

Personal Project

▪Designed and developed a dynamic iOS application using Swift, fostering seamless photo sharing, content reviews, and user connections within a social networking framework. ▪Orchestrated the creation of responsive web front-ends, harnessing cutting-edge technologies such as Node.js, and React to elevate user experience and engagement. ▪Engineered RESTful APIs using Java and Spring, elevating functionality and enabling efficient communication between back-end systems and front-end interfaces. ▪Facilitated streamlined development through effective GitHub source control practices.







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