Mohibur-Rahman Mohib
Senior Program Manager at Watan’s Social and Technical Association-WSTA
Business Administration at Kardan University
Hi, I'm Mohibur-Rahman Mohib!
Senior Program Manager at Watan’s Social and Technical Association-WSTA
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Watan’s Social and Technical Association-WSTA
Senior Program Manager
July 2022 - Present
Provide on-site leadership for the project team by building and motivating team members to meet project goals and adhere to their responsibilities and project milestones. Work creatively and analytically in a problem-solving environment demonstrating teamwork, innovation, and excellence. Participate in establishing practices, templates, policies, tools, and partnerships to expand and mature these capabilities for the WSTA. Prepare estimates and detailed project plans and provincial trips and conferences/workshops. Support the procurement department in resource allocation and procure adequate resources to achieve project objectives in planned timeframes. Support the finance department with budget planning, budget development, and financial reporting. Coordinate and lead teams to ensure the successful completion of a project including project management and managing timelines and budgets. Manage the day-to-day program activities and resources and chair the management team meetings. Monitor staff performance and complete performance reviews. Monitor and track grant outcomes, including quantitative and qualitative data reports, and contract compliance. Delegate tasks and responsibilities to appropriate personnel in the program department. Monitor, track, and control outcomes to resolve issues, conflicts, dependencies, and critical path deliverables. Manage project and program issues and risks to mitigate the impact on baseline Provide technical assistance and capacity-building support with the goal to improve WSTA services and implement racial equity strategies and policies. Lead grant processes to meet funding donors’ (AHF/UNOCHA, and DAI/USAID) strategic objectives. Research and design service delivery models for implementation programs and projects. Create training curriculums and implement training for program and project staff, government partners, and other stakeholders, who are part of the implementation process of the responses or projects. Develop and manage relationships with grant providers, government, and other partners. Work with the program and MEAL staff to generate and disseminate learnings, including presentations, reports, fact sheets, and training and consultation materials. Facilitate meetings and learning opportunities both internally and externally.
Organization for Relief Development-ORD
Program Manager
September 2019 - June 2022
Provided programmatic support to ORD programs, Infrastructure, livelihood, economic empowerment, and humanitarian. Reviewed and confirm programs and projects' compliance with ORD policies, procedures, donor regulations and agreements, and the ORD code of conduct. Provided oversight for program and project implementation and ensured timely & high-quality delivery of program activities. Reviewed infrastructure subcontractors' work and reported and approved their requested payments. Ensured quality programs and monitoring projects through regular site visits of projects. Prepared high-quality and timely sitreps/reports for ORD, donors, and within agreed reporting schedules. Coordinated with relevant team members, ensured timely program delivery and submitted donor reports on project activities in compliance with internal ORD requirements and relevant external donor requirements. Coordinated with the FSAC, ES/NFI, GBV & Child Protection, WASH, and EiE clusters and ensured sound program strategies are in place. Developed proposals for fundraising to funding agencies (UNHCR, AHF/UNOCHA, FAO, WFP, UNICEF, and PATRIP Foundation) and successfully built partnerships. Contributed to the preparation of bidding documents and evaluation reports.
Citizen Organization for Advocacy and Resilience- COAR
Program Manager
October 2017 - September 2019
Determined program and project scope, goals, and deliverables that support goals in collaboration with senior management and stakeholders. Developed full-scale program and project plans and associated communications documents. Effectively communicate project expectations to team members and stakeholders in a timely and transparent fashion. Liaised projects with stakeholders on an ongoing basis. Estimated the resources and participants needed to achieve program and project goals. Sat and managed project expectations with team members and other stakeholders. Identified and resolved issues and conflicts within the program and project team. Identified and managed project dependencies and critical paths. Planned and scheduled project timelines and milestones using appropriate tools. Built, developed, and grew any business relationships vital to the success of the program and projects. Visited the field, monitored the needs of the beneficiaries, enlisted their information in a given format, and report to Managing Director and General Director as well as to the donor AHF/ UNOCHA, UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, and MISFA. Developed proposals for fundraising to funding agencies(AHF/UNOCHA, WFP, UNICEF, and MISFA)
Union Pacific Group-UPG
Planning Manager
January 2011 - October 2017
Overall technical and planning management of the business. Developed proposal based on SOW funding donors. Reviewed and submitted proposals as per SOW. Checked and managed technical section documents. Checked and verified safety, QC & QA, and Environmental Protection plans for the Construction projects (Buildings, Roads, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Water supply as per US ARMY CORPS of ENGINEERING standards. Attended all project-related meetings and gave feedback to the client. Reviewed project progress reports. Reviewed final submittals of project proposals and technical submittals according to SoW. Visited project sites and instruct the project implementation team (Project Manager, QC/QA Manager, and Project Engineers. Reviewed and follow up on project implementation schedules. Developed project implementation plans. Participated in technical meetings with the donors and gave feedback on the project status
United Nations Development Programme/Counter Narcotics Trust Fund (UNDP/CNTF) /Good performance Initiative (GPI)
Deputy Director
January 2008 - December 2010
Managed the administration & finance, project development, project implementation, and procurement units, ensuring effective communication and efficient cooperation among the different units and the completion and application of the GPI project management framework across all units Ensured timely and quality reporting on all activities to different stakeholders and support the deputy minister and director. Ensured compliance with all financial transactions, completion of program and project database and its regular updating and maintenance, oversee prioritized, and coordinated the project development process, and ensured that all criteria are met at the different decision points Ensured timely development of new quality project proposals and high-quality new proposals and coordination with other development interventions Approved verification, design, and monitoring missions of GPI staff as well as mission reports Ensured provision of effective support to line ministries through the Team and timely implementation of entire project and programs (Capacity development and needs assessment) Produced GPI Reports on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis and reported to the donors (USAID, DFID, UK Embassy, UNDP, and US Embassy INL). Prepared and presented project approval presentations to the donors (USAID, DFID, UK Embassy, UNDP, and US Embassy INL). Presented complex project approval presentation through video conference to the state department Washington DC INL Section and incorporated their comments and suggestions into the projects
United Nations Development Programme/Counter Narcotics Trust Fund (UNDP/CNTF) /Good performance Initiative (GPI)
Project Development Specialist/In charge of Project Development Unit
May 2007 - December 2007
Assisted CNTF/GPI in technical and engineering appraisals, and budget evaluation of the projects Assisted CNTF/GPI in identifying, prioritizing, and preparing project proposals Worked with the line government partners (ministries) to draft sub-project proposals that meet the pre-set criteria determined under the CNTF/GPI criteria Provided support to line ministries/Provincial Governments in project supervision and management plan Worked closely with line ministries, MOF, and other agencies to provide support for CN project development; Reviewed and advised on the development of CNTF/GPI projects proposal and made recommendations for actions to address issues identified Reviewed all technical and engineering-related projects and made recommendations for further action Coordinated and developed project proposals together with the respective representative of each line ministry and donors (USAID, DFID, and UK Embassy) and provide her/his technical support while developing projects; Developed and maintained good working relationships with line ministries and CN pillar directorates at MCN Organized meetings with relevant line ministries and other key partners on technical issues relating to projects Ensured that the portfolio of activities supported by the CNTF/GPI is in line with overall NDCS objectives through the application of CNTF/GPI criteria; Put recommendations forward on projects eligible for funding through CNTF/GPI Worked closely with line ministries and the CNTF/GPI Procurement Consultant to ensure that the CNTF/GPI projects comply with the Afghanistan Procurement Law and UNDP standard (in particular NEX procedure for the project implementation)
United Nations Development Programme/ Urban Development Group (UNDP-UDG)
Regional Chief Engineer/Officer In-charge
March 2005 - February 2007
Ensured regular monitoring of all project sites by UDG engineers and monitored the successful implementation of design
Monitored site journal of national engineers
Monitored national engineers’ activities made sure all projects are implemented according to pre-defined designs, plans, and project proposals, and checked the process of preparing cost estimation and bill of quantities for all projects and process of proposals drafting for all RISE Programme (Regional Initiative for Sustainable Economy) projects including narrative justifications
Checked and controlled ITBs, RFOs, and RFQs documents and recommended further process
Organized tendering process in line with UNDP policy and procedure
Organized meetings with relevant line ministries, municipalities, and other key partners on technical issues relating to programs and projects
Prioritized, identified, and selected city projects with Jalalabad Municipality
Prioritized, identified, and selected rural projects with line ministries, stakeholders, and CDC (community development Committees) at community levels
Participated in and arranged key meetings regarding the implementation of programs and projects.
Provided and developed the weekly technical and financial report to UNDP Country Office
Attended ER ASMT (Area Security Management Team) meeting and provided security updates to the UNDP-UDG staff
Attended ER Inter-Agency coordination and PDC (provincial development committee) meetings, provide UNDP-UDG activities report
Attended ER (provincial development committee) meetings on behalf of UNDP
Submitted monthly, quarterly, and yearly activity reports to UNAMA Office
United Nations Development Programme/ Urban Development Group (UNDP-UDG)
Regional Chief Engineer/Officer In-charge
March 2005 - February 2007
Ensured regular monitoring of all project sites by UDG engineers and monitored the successful implementation of design
Monitored site journal of national engineers
Monitored national engineers’ activities made sure all projects are implemented according to pre-defined designs, plans, and project proposals, and checked the process of preparing cost estimation and bill of quantities for all projects and process of proposals drafting for all RISE Programme (Regional Initiative for Sustainable Economy) projects including narrative justifications
Checked and controlled ITBs, RFOs, and RFQs documents and recommended further process
Organized tendering process in line with UNDP policy and procedure
Organized meetings with relevant line ministries, municipalities, and other key partners on technical issues relating to programs and projects
Prioritized, identified, and selected city projects with Jalalabad Municipality
Prioritized, identified, and selected rural projects with line ministries, stakeholders, and CDC (community development Committees) at community levels
Participated in and arranged key meetings regarding the implementation of programs and projects.
Provided and developed the weekly technical and financial report to UNDP Country Office
Attended ER ASMT (Area Security Management Team) meeting and provided security updates to the UNDP-UDG staff
Attended ER Inter-Agency coordination and PDC (provincial development committee) meetings, provide UNDP-UDG activities report
Attended ER (provincial development committee) meetings on behalf of UNDP
Submitted monthly, quarterly, and yearly activity reports to UNAMA Office
United Nations Development Programme/ Programme Implementation Unit (UNDP-PIU
Field Officer
October 2003 - March 2005
Assisted the PIU in technical and engineering appraisals and budget evaluation Assisted the PIU in identifying, prioritizing, and preparing project proposals Worked with the line government partners to draft sub-project proposals that meet the pre-set criteria determined under the PIU criteria Kept project timeline according to the scope of work Provided support to implementing partners in project supervision and management Ensured the transparency of the PIU selection processes for all sub-project contractors Performed accurate monitoring of project implementation Performed regular project supervision through field visits, assessed the overall implementation status, and suggested corrective measures to be undertaken, as appropriate Assisted with reporting and public information documentation Drafted reports on implementation/completion of the sub-projects Performed other relevant duties as required Prepared Monitoring and Evaluation Reports of all the projects for the Program Manager
United Nations Development Programme Recovery and Employment of Afghanistan Programme (UNDP-REAP)
Field Monitor/Team Leader Monitoring Unit
October 2002 - September 2003
Provided support to implementing partners in project supervision and management Performed regular project supervision through field visits, assessed the overall implementation status, and suggested corrective measures to be undertaken as appropriate Checked monitoring reports on implementation/completion of the sub-projects of the field monitors developed weekly monitoring plan for field monitors Took regular meetings with Government partners about the project's activities Prepared progress and financial reports for all the projects Developed financial and procurement Plans for all the projects Controlled all finance and procurement processes of the projects The target communities were IDPs and Returnees

Business Administration
Kardan University
Graduated in 2021
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