Jessica Chege
Project Manager at Shortlist
Computer Technology at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
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Programme Manager
The Energy Access Talent (EATI) Initiative builds off the success of the Off-Grid Talent Initiative (OGTI) program by matching and training 800 young people to appropriate roles in the energy sector, and developing the skills of a further 800 professionals already in the energy sector. The program will have a greater focus on women, helping to establish career pathways for longevity within the industry and developing a pool of high-calibre local talent to enable the sector to deliver on energy access and decarbonization goals. This program is a scale-up of Shortlist’s previous work under the Transforming Energy Access Program.
Project Manager
Women for Green Jobs is a talent program that will hire 750 women for clean energy companies in six countries in Africa: The DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Uganda and funded by the Global Energy Alliance for People & Planet (GEAPP). In a sector where jobs are traditionally highly gendered, programming will cover not only these roles where women are already actively working but also those that have been traditionally male-dominated, to broaden perceptions of where women can contribute. This program also features a strong research component and learning agenda which will be shared to benefit the wider off-grid sector in publicly available reports and articles.
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