Howard Lai
Compliance Intern at Ziina
Business Analytics at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD)
United States
Hi, I'm Howard Lai!
Compliance Intern at Ziina
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Climate Finance Initiative
November 2023 - Present
Conducted an in-depth examination of the institutional structure of voluntary carbon markets, identifying key stakeholders such as project developers, buyers, and accreditors (e.g., Verra) under supervisor Johannes Stroebel at NYU Stern Initiated the groundwork for developing a model explaining the intertemporal incentives, considering factors such as perceived additionality and investor attitudes towards carbon removal timing
Daxue Consulting
Market Researcher and Marketing Intern
May 2023 - September 2023
Cooperated with client service manager to create a pitch desk of Chinese gifting trends to the clients like L'oreal and P&G Conducted 100+ pages of competitive market research to analyze the competitive landscape, identify market gaps, and pinpoint growth opportunities within EV and green fashion market in China Designed weekly infographics on Chinese market and consumer trends for content creation, media enquiries and reports
Kilde Investment
Business Development Manager
January 2023 - February 2023
Formulated a pitch deck with a comprehensive strategy for a $20 million open-ended private credit investment, effectively conveying its potential to prospective investors Interviewed with over 15 fund managers to curate a database based on specific geographic distribution, net yield returns and fund sizes for investor suitability assessment
LnData Analytics Company
Business Analyst
December 2022 - January 2023
Composed 4 business reports for multinational clients (Dyson etc.) regarding advertisement competition solutions Crawled data from social media platforms to evaluate the consumer engagement performance of more than 10 international brands, including Singleton and Crown Royal, with Excel and R

Business Analytics
New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD)
Graduating in 2026
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